Time and Space

Time and Space

Why we need time-travel?

Time and Space

As all bodies in the Universe move in time (towards the future) and all events occur in time and space, time-travel is the basis of existence in the theory of physics.
Is it science?

Theory of physics of time-travel

As all bodies in the Universe move in time (towards the future) and all events occur in time and space, time-travel physics is the basis of all existence. This means that as absolutely all bodies in the Universe move in time (towards the future), the theory of time-travel is the fundamental basis for all physics of the Universe. The physical nature of the Universe is results directly from the physical theory of time travel. This, however, means that if we are unable to move in time or we do not understand it, we cannot completely understand the physics of the Universe. For a long time, the development of physics was stuck in the seeming mysticism of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. The theory of time-travel is a continuation of these two theories and also combines them.
This work sets out a science of physics that would enable a person to move in real time into the past and into the future. Developing this specific technology will create new opportunities to explore human history and also to move in space. The overall method of study of all subsequent work is purely theoretical physics. For example, the hypothesis that is largely erected in this work is derived in theory. But at the same time, all these hypotheses are entirely in line with the generally accepted physics theories that exist.
Literature on the physics of time-travel

Literature on the physics of time-travel and its mathematical analysis

As a rule, research papers cover the following physics theories: classical mechanics, theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, theory of time-travel, developments of the theory of time-travel and technical solution of time-travel. Electromagnetism mainly involves electrical and magnetic physical phenomena. Unfortunately, very few papers focus on classical mechanics. It describes the movement of bodies when the speeds of the bodies are small (in comparison to the speed of light in vacuum) and masses are big (in comparison to the masses of particles). The theory of relativity is divided into two fields: special relativity and general relativity. The theory of special relativity focusses on the part of physics where the bodies move at very high speeds. This means that the bodies move at speeds close to the speed of light in vacuum. However, general relativity covers masses that curve spacetime. Gravity is seen as curved spacetime. Quantum mechanics describes the behaviour of microparticles. The behaviour of particles is probabilistic, and they have wave-like properties. This means that microparticles have both corpuscular and also wave-like properties. The theory of time-travel describes physical movement in time. For example, a person is able to travel to the past or the future. All physical bodies move in time – towards the future. And so, the theory of time-travel is the basis for the existence of the whole Universe (physics). Developments of the theory of time-travel show the physical nature of the Universe. It says that the Universe does not actually exist as the Universe itself is timeless. The technical solution of time-travel teaches creating an actual time-machine. In order to create a time-machine, it is necessary to have a generator that generates an electromagnetic field with a very high energy. Its main thesis is that in addition to mass, spacetime is curved also by energy. This results from the principle of equivalence of energy and mass from Einstein’s theory of special relativity.

Different fields of the physics theory of time-travel

The newest materials on the physics theory of time-travel are available on the following links.
For a long time, the development of physics was stuck in the seeming mysticism of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. The theory of time-travel is a continuation of these two theories and also combines them. This has also been implied in the magazine Imeline teadus (No. 10/2014, page 88-95), which writes: ‘After years of research, physicists have still not been able to join together the two theories (theory of relativity and quantum mechanics), which are the basis of modern physics, but the solution to the mystery might be hidden in the question of time-travel.’ Creating a time-machine is as important for the future development of physics as was discovering that the speed of light in vacuum is constant at the end of the 19th century. For the worldview project, it is important to understand the physical nature of the Universe and this is revealed by the theory of time-travel.
It is possible to get acquainted with the various materials of the “Theory of Physics of Time Travel” from the archived digital collection of the National Library of Estonia.


Who is the author of the physical theory of time-travel?

Inventor of time-travel

This webpage has been created and the author of the physics theory is Marek-Lars Kruusen. All rights reserved. This webpage and physics theory are protected by copyright and international law.

Marek-Lars Kruusen

All rights reserved. This webpage and physics theory are protected by copyright and international law.

The photos on this website have been mainly taken from: pixabay and wall-paperflare

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