Marek-Lars Kruusen’s technology and science

The company presents

Spacetime tunnel

A spacetime tunnel joins together two points in time and space.

A person can travel in time only when they end up in hyperspace or outside of spacetime. According to general relativity, ‘there’ the spacetime has curved to infinity (or time has infinitely slowed down and the distance of two points in space has also infinitely decreased). Such an area of spacetime (where the spacetime ceases to exist) exists, for example, in the centres of black holes and therefore black holes can be ‘gates’ through which it is possible to enter hyperspace.

Spacetime tunnels enable travelling in time

It has been generally acknowledged in the scientific world that it is possible to travel in time through spacetime tunnels or wormholes. Wormholes also help in space travel as by moving through a spacetime tunnel, vast distances in space will get a lot closer to us. A spacetime tunnel, popularly known as a wormhole, is a curve of time and space that joins to points in spacetime and enables to move from one moment in time into another or move from one point in space into another in a moment or 0 seconds. Theoretical physics has discussed the actual existence of wormholes extensively, which mainly arises from the existence of different interpretation of the physics theories of time and space. For example, a black hole can simultaneously be the entrance and exit of spacetime. As we know, gravitation is a curve in spacetime and on the Schwarzschild event horizon that is in the centre of black holes, spacetime has curved to infinity. Figuratively, the Schwarzschild event horizon is a border of spacetime, where the existence of time and space actually ends. By now, a new theory of physics has been developed that proves that the event horizon, on which time and space have curved to infinity, can also be physically interpreted as the entrance and exit of spacetime. Therefore, it can be said that spacetime tunnels exist in the Universe as black holes exist.
The question now lies in how the humankind would be able to artificially create such wonderful spacetime tunnels which would enable people to move in time and teleport in space. By now, this question has also been answered. Firstly, unfortunately black hoes cannot be created and used as they are clearly dangerous to our planet and the body near the black hole. As we know, nothing escapes the centre of a black hole, not even light. The black hole is created by huge mass. According to the principle of equivalence of mass and energy in Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, a black hole or a tunnel in spacetime could also be created by energy. But the difficulty is that a tunnel in spacetime which could be used by a person can only be created by massive energy and we have nothing that would provide this energy. This is the whole difficulty in creating spacetime tunnels. As a comparative example – the energy required to create an object that would be the size of a spacetime tunnel passing through a person, a lot more energy would be required than the amount of energy equivalent to Earth’s mass. For a long time, the issue of energy was the greatest obstacle in creating spacetime tunnels. But now, new discoveries in theoretical physics have found a completely new way to practically solve this problem. It has become clear that there are two ways to actually create spacetime tunnels, the same way as in nuclear energetics, nuclear energy can actually be produced in two different ways. For example, the nuclear energy produced by humans is based on the energy released by splitting heavy nuclei or joining light atomic nuclei Something similar applies to creating spacetime tunnels. For example, a spacetime tunnel can be artificially created by using massive energies (as was mentioned above), but also by using extremely small energies. As energy amounts equivalent to the mass of planets cannot be produced or used in practice, the only remaining option is to use extremely small energies, which is certainly within the current technical capacities of the humankind. In addition to mass, time and space are also warped by energy and, for example, an electrical field has energy. Therefore, the mass and electrical charge of a physical body affect the geometry of spacetime. But what are extremely small energies? This is covered by scientific analysis in Marek-Larks Kruusen’s book Maailmataju, in the part covering the physics theory of time-travel that describes the technical possibility of humans actually travelling in time.

Singularity in the spacetime hole

The field of gravitation is a curve in spacetime caused by extremely heavy masses. This curve in spacetime is expressed in the fact, that the more we move towards the centre of the field of gravity, the more time slows down and the shorter the distance between two points in space becomes. Such a transformation of time and space continues until a specific distance from the centre, and this distance is described to us by the Schwarzschild radius R. This radius shows the distance from the centre of the field of gravity, starting from which time t and space l have transformed to infinity, i.e. starting from which the infinite curving of spacetime begins or the spacetime ceases to exist completely. This is why nothing can exist within the area inside Schwarzschild radius R of the black hole or spacetime hole, which is sometimes also called the event horizon. This also means that there cannot be any singularity in the centre of the black hole. Singularity is just a point, starting from which the Schwarzschild radius R is measured and which determines the ‘size’ of the black hole or spacetime hole, i.e. the size of an imaginary sphere in space, starting from which the infinity curve of spacetime becomes more and more level as the distance from the centre increases. This is why the mass of a black hole cannot exist within the event horizon, but is outside of it, as is also in case of stars and planets. The event horizon is completely spherical and it does not rotate. It can only orbit around another celestial body.
For a long time, the development of physics was stuck in the seeming mysticism of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. The theory of time-travel is a continuation of these two theories and also combines them. This has also been implied in the magazine Imeline teadus (No. 10/2014, page 88-95), which writes: ‘After years of research, physicists have still not been able to join together the two theories (theory of relativity and quantum mechanics), which are the basis of modern physics, but the solution to the mystery might be hidden in the question of time-travel.’ Creating a time-machine is as important for the future development of physics as was discovering that the speed of light in vacuum is constant at the end of the 19th century. It is very important to understand the physical nature of the Universe and this is revealed particularly in the theory of time-travel.

Mathematics, theoretical physics and engineering

The loop-shaped space-time tunnel is created by a rotating ring machine, which has its own machine and control room and electromechanical components that generate the electromagnetic field. It is a human-sized rotating machine.

Space-time tunnel technology and space agency

Technology and research development:

A loop-shaped tunnel in spacetime


First generation technology for creating a tunnel in space-time

Technology and research development
My proposal is that the engineers and scientists working for space agency could finish off the technology I propose. In this way, I would like to collaborate with space agency to develop technology and science concerning tunnels in spacetime. Technology concerning tunnels in spacetime could replace rocket technology in the future. I have evidence-based physical and mathematical science and an early stage technical model for creating a tunnel in spacetime. Space agency could test the technology that I propose in its laboratories and other industrial infrastructure. In addition, we could continue research and technology development activities together.
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European Space Agency

European Space Agency

What Happened To The European Space Agency?

Europe is home to some of the most advanced science and technology in the world, yet the average person is not too familiar with the European Space Agency. It seems like even private space companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are more well known today. But why?
Space Research and Technology Centre

ESTEC: ESA's Space Research and Technology Centre

Similarly, they have launched a variety of probes and satellites around the earth as well as other planets. Aside from this, the ESA has its own rocket program called the Ariane program which has helped the ESA launch a plethora of their own satellites.
European Space Agency

This is European Space Agency

This is the European Space Agency, dedicated to the peaceful exploration and use of space for the benefit of humankind. Established in 1975, we work together with our 22 Member States to push the frontiers of science and technology, and promote economic growth in Europe. Space is the future and through ESA we are all part of it.

Europe's 7.15-Billion-EURO Space Agency Fully Explained

The European Space Agency is a HUGE organization that gets hardly any recognition from the general public. In this video, I look deep into their operations and appreciate their achievements.

Is Europe the Next Space Superpower?

The European Space Agency has quickly established itself as one of the leading science organisations on the planet... but is it about to topple even NASA? In this video, we take a closer look at how ESA has arrived at the top table of space travel, to decide... Is it now the world leader when it comes to space exploration??

ESA for students and young graduates

Discover how you can participate in ESA programmes as a student, and learn about your entry options once you've got your Masters degree. ESA recruitment and education colleagues share some valuable info with you.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

How does the International Space Station work?

The International Space Station is the largest man made object in space. It was built in pieces and then launched into space and assembled in orbit. In this video we'll go over some background about the station and then walk through each module in the order that it was assembled.

Astronauts accidentally lose a shield in space

I bring you a very very, very incredible video, it is a fragment of the space walk (EVA #38) made in 2017 by NASA astronaut, Peggy Whitson and NASA astronaut, Shane Kimbrough outside the International Space Station. The interesting thing about this spacewalk is that Peggy Whitson accidentally dropped an anti-debris shield that turned into space debris (oh, the irony) all of this was documented by the GoPro action camera that Whitson carried.

International Space Station: Off the Earth, for the Earth, and Beyond.

In 1998, assembly began in space on a satellite that would be second in size and radiance only to the Moon…NASA’s International Space Station. Completed in the 21st Century, the International Space Station’s role in the development of your future as well as that of the United States space program is enormous.

Has Russia’s War Doomed The International Space Station?

As a scientist, I can safely say the ISS has always been an inspiration - a miracle of engineering, frontier hardiness and cutting edge science. I hope that it will still be up there for many years more

Life As An Astronaut On The International Space Station

“Cosmic Encounters” tells one of mankind’s oldest dreams: to explore what is beyond our planet. For the first time in TV history a documentary has been filmed in 3D in space by the astronauts of the International Space Station. It is a tribute to the many scientists who made the dream of conquering space come true.

Jumping From Space! - Red Bull Space Dive - BBC

The moment has finally arrived, it's time for Felix Baumgartner to perform the space dive. Taken from Red Bull Space Dive.

International Space Station

The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest modular space station in low Earth orbit. The project involves five space agencies: NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), JAXA (Japan), ESA (Europe), and CSA (Canada). The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements. The station serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which scientific research is conducted in astrobiology, astronomy, meteorology, physics, and other fields. The ISS is suited for testing the spacecraft systems and equipment required for possible future long-duration missions to the Moon and Mars.
The technology that creates ring-shaped tunnel in spacetime would quite obviously be technically useful for space industry. This has been depicted in many science fiction movies and fictional fantasy novels. For example, the movie “Avatar” (James Cameron, 2009).
The world of science
For a long time, there has been a widely accepted understanding in the world of science that it is possible to travel in time using tunnels in spacetime, also known as wormholes. Similarly, wormholes also assist in performing space travel, since travelling through tunnels in spacetime brings extreme distances in space much closer to us. A tunnel in spacetime, the popular name of which is wormhole, is a curvature of time and space connecting two points in spacetime, which enables to move from one moment in time to another or to move from one point in space to another in an instant or only just in 0 seconds.
A human-sized surface of a black hole
For example, in order to create a human-sized surface of a black hole or a Schwarzschild surface, it is not necessary to have excessive mass M or energy E, which actually is not possible at all. In order to create a human-sized Schwarzschild surface, the speed of change of energy field c, which can already be created artificially, is enough, whereby independent of the shape of the trapped surface of spacetime.
The technology that creates ring-shaped tunnel in spacetime would quite obviously be technically useful for space industry. This has been depicted in many science fiction movies and fictional fantasy novels. A tunnel in spacetime or a wormhole enables moving very long distances in space in a very short period of time. This possibility is principally irreplaceable for space travel, compared to which rocket technology will be left in the dustbin of history. Therefore, I have no direct need for a client support letter. For me, the main purpose of development of theoretical physics and practical engineering is to reach such a level of technology that it will be possible to create a tunnel in spacetime which an actual human being could pass, use it safely and control it.
Energy problem
However, the problem lies in the fact that a tunnel in spacetime penetrable for human beings can only be created with excessive energy, which we cannot get from anywhere. This is where the majority of difficulties lies in creating them. For example, in order to create an object the same size as a tunnel in spacetime penetrable for human beings, much more energy would be needed than the energy corresponding to the total mass of the Earth. The solution can be found in the speed of generating or changing of an electromagnetic field, rather than the strength of the energy of the field. High energy bends spacetime, but the creation or changing of an energy field with the speed of light also bends spacetime.
A tunnel in spacetime or a wormhole enables moving very long distances in space in a very short period of time. This possibility is principally irreplaceable for space travel, compared to which rocket technology will be left in the dustbin of history.

Concept design: Marek-Lars Kruusen

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