Eluvormid, mis eksisteerivad ilma närvitegevuseta ehk ainult mateeria väljana, moodustavad sellise tsivilisatsiooni ( mõistusliku elu ) arengu astme, mis on ilmselt kõrgeim elu arengufaas kogu Universumis. See tähendab seda, et ei ole teada sellisest elu arengufaasist midagi veel arenenumat mõistuslikku elutegevust Universumis. See moodustab mõistusliku elu bioevolutsiooni nö. tippfaasi või lõppfaasi. Sellised ülitsivilisatsioonid tekivad teadaolevalt ainult kunstlikult. See tähendab seda, et looduslikult selline ülimuslik elutalitlus tekkida ei saa ja ilmselt ei ole see ka võimalik. Ainult mõistuslik elu võimaldab niisugust elu luua – nii nagu ainult mõistus võimaldab luua igasuguseid leiutisi nagu näiteks autod, arvutid, kõrghooned, telefonid jne. Iseenesest ( see tähendab looduslikult ) ei ole need võimelised tekkima.
- MLK Technology
- Abstractions
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- National Library of Estonia
- Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE)
- ResearchGate
- Academia.edu
- Open Science Framework (OSF)
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
- Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
- University of Cambridge
- Harvard University
- The physics theory of time travel – versions
- MLK Technology and Science
- Swedbank AS
- United States Patent and Trademark Office
- News
- World perception
- Near-death experience
- Ministry
- Platforms
- Calaméo – Publishing Platform for Documents and Magazines
- YUMPU – Publishing digital magazines worldwide
- Google Site
- Nature, structure and research methods of world perception
- Time travel
- An introductory overview of time travel theory
- Basic theses of world perception
- Unisophic psychology (psychology of perception)
- The theory of supercivilization
- Holography
- Publications
- Publications: Add
- Special publications
- Time travel publications
- Near-death experiences
- Copyright
- Archive
- Joomag
- Annaabi.ee
- About the company
- Media
- Varia
- ESA Discovery
- USA Fermilab
- Social
- Declaration
- MLK Technology
- Abstractions
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- National Library of Estonia
- Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE)
- ResearchGate
- Academia.edu
- Open Science Framework (OSF)
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
- Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
- University of Cambridge
- Harvard University
- The physics theory of time travel – versions
- MLK Technology and Science
- Swedbank AS
- United States Patent and Trademark Office
- News
- World perception
- Near-death experience
- Ministry
- Platforms
- Calaméo – Publishing Platform for Documents and Magazines
- YUMPU – Publishing digital magazines worldwide
- Google Site
- Nature, structure and research methods of world perception
- Time travel
- An introductory overview of time travel theory
- Basic theses of world perception
- Unisophic psychology (psychology of perception)
- The theory of supercivilization
- Holography
- Publications
- Publications: Add
- Special publications
- Time travel publications
- Near-death experiences
- Copyright
- Archive
- Joomag
- Annaabi.ee
- About the company
- Media
- Varia
- ESA Discovery
- USA Fermilab
- Social
- Declaration